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What we do

Our Work at UGR


We encourage the youth to explore their talents/gifts, engage them to build on those talents, and become a light to their world. In doing this, we offer seven interactive rooms with basic trades to choose from.

Jessica Reason



We Impart Practical Skills that Empower Youth Entrepreneurship. Here, the youth learn how to develop business concepts, assess financial feasibility, learn business tax, as they gain branding & marketing experience that generates leads.


UGR empowers youth’s progress through our Elderly-Youth Mentorship programs, Kingdom Financiers, and the Homeless-to-Halo Initiative. Our empowerment initiatives typically create youths who become resourceful in special needs communities such as the elderly/disabled community.

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Let's Impact the World Together

We aspire to be a global financial incubator for the youth by creating sustainable community contributors. Your support will go a long way in building synergies that provide the platform for the youth to thrive in communities where we seek to make an impact.

The God factor

New Path for Youth Culture

We aim to be a global financial incubator for young minds, fostering excellence in thought and speech. We hope to showcase that the inherent abilities within individuals are sufficient to glorify God.

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